I'm just a busy wife and mom who loves to cook (and hates to clean up afterward), balancing the many hats I wear and trying to look cool, calm, and collected while doing it...

Oh, and I rarely measure anything when I cook, so consider yourself warned. Love good food. Try new things. Eat to your heart's content.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Homemade Tomato Basil Soup and Three Cheese Grilled Cheese

Homemade Tomato Basil Soup and Three Cheese Grilled Cheese

Well, it's been actual years since I've blogged, due to life being so super crazy, changing jobs, kids' schedules, etc. but while looking at my "Memories" popup thing on Facebook, I came across this recipe I made years ago, before I even started this blog, and thought, "Hey, why not. I mean, It's practically just copying and pasting, right?" 

So here I am. Blogging something. Who'd of thought I'd get back here again. (Certainly not me...)

Anyway, this recipe is comfort food at it's finest. It really takes you back to childhood, only this time, it's a little more flavorful. And even if it's not a loaf of soup from a can and a slice of cheese-product wrapped in cellophane on Wonder Bread, it's still pretty easy.

2 Large (28 oz.) cans of crushed tomatoes (fresh are good too, but it's a lot of work skinning and seeding that many tomatoes) 

1 jar pasta sauce (we like Hunt's Four Cheese in the can, actually)
1/2- 1 Whole Onion, diced
5 or so cloves of garlic
Salt and pepper to taste 
3/4 - 1 cup or so fresh basil 
1 box free range/organic chicken (veggie works too, for you vegetarians) stock
 A cup and a half or so of fat free 1/2 and 1/2
1/2 Cup Finely Shredded or Grated Parmesan Cheese, plus more for topping
Ricotta Cheese, if desired

Just saute the onion and garlic in a little olive oil until soft/translucent, then add everything else, and simmer for at least 30 minutes (the longer the better though). This is also good topped with a little dollop of ricotta and some more fresh basil "confetti", along with the Parmesan


Smoked Gouda 
Sharp Cheddar 
Sourdough Bread
*You can use any combo of cheeses you'd like. We just really liked these. 

Lightly butter the outside of two slices sourdough, add desired amount of cheese, and grill until golden brown and the cheese is melted. Repeat for each sandwich you want to make. 


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